Emptiness Vs. Lightness

2 min readApr 12, 2020


For a long time I’ve been looking for a kind of lightness in my living space. I thought I could achieve this feeling of tranquility through the removal and strict restriction of objects and things that entered my space. I thought the fewer things the better; that with the bare necessities in my space I would feel free and unburdened. I see now that this is not right. To achieve lightness in ones space it is better for a person to choose to fill his or her space with objects that bring him joy and lift his heart when he’s around them.

It is better to be surrounded by objects that set a persons mind free with the memories and ideas they evoke than to be boxed in by empty space.

When a person is alone in an empty space he has only his own thoughts to observe, and they can take him left when he means to go right, down when he intends to go up. This is not freedom, the man’s responsibility for what he thinks is paramount; he is constantly in the driving seat. He plays lion tamer to his thoughts to keep them in check and on target.

A space should be filled with pieces that temporarily liberate a person of this responsibility; each object in a space can and should inspire fresh new thoughts in a person, objects bring with them their own will and a series of beautiful objects can seduce a mind into a daydream. Picked carefully, a series of objects can invite any desired way of thinking that may have cost twice the effort if a person in an empty room had attempted to force his mind in the same direction. I believe a persons space should be their ideal chamber of thought manifested. This way not only do thoughts become things, things also become thoughts. That is the lightness I seek.

